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Ee Wen
Kok Hsien
Pok Xian
Yin Yin


August 2005
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November 2012


Special thanks to Michelle for helping heaps in editing this blog skin. Please go check her blog at her link up there!!
Thanks to Wendy for checking and giving comments as well! Again, I'd like to thank Wendy, for creating that wonderful header!!

my beloved life

Thursday, December 29, 2005

back after a long holiday to shanghai.. for those who online everyday, they will realise i did not exactly dissappear from the online world for 10 days.. in fact, i onlined every single day there!! all thanks to the free wireless broadband that was available there!.. haha, i know i know.. i know how lifeless i am to be on a holiday and still online everyday.. but u cant exactly blame me as well.. by 5.30pm, that place is already completely dark! and almost all the shops are closed by 9pm!.. so how can i have any night life there?.. seriously, i cant imagine walking in Malaysia, Hong Kong or Singapore streets at 9pm and see no one around me.. freaky!

well, the 10 days was not all bad of coz, i have to admit i am pretty impressed by that place.. the weather was awesome! i did not even sweat for the whole trip.. and of coz, the food was great, and above all, CHEAP! crazy man, imagine eating all the nice expensive food that could cost u a bomb here, but will only cost u one eighth of that price there!.. and, i have to say this, the CDs there are freaking cheap!.. i cant imagine myself buying any CD in Malaysia now!

Besides that, i was also impressed by the monuments along the Bund(the street along the sides of Huangpu River).. the carvings and the paintings of the buildings were marvels to watch!

Argh! enough of Shanghai.. lets talk about Christmas.. this year's christmas was not all that good.. i mean, its not the usual christmas dinner and all, in fact, it was kinda dull.. countdown was not fun too with my family too!.. id rather countdown with Melissa on the net, but they forced me to sit with them in the dining table, so i had no choice but to stick with them, and miss the countdown with Melissa.. haihz, sorry yea!!..

back to my university problems.. the freaking Monash University letter really is killing me.. i qualify, but they reject me because of low enrollment?.. wat the hell!? now im in two minds again on whether to stay in Malaysia for at least another year or go straight to Australia.. where should i go? how should i decide?..

12:02 AM

Friday, December 16, 2005

10 months ago, i was juz a teenager steeping into Sunway University College, starting a course called MUFY, where the studying style is far different from high school... i wouldn't say that it was all bad in the beginning.. i have another unexpected friend in the form of Tee G-Mun who was a wonderful friend and foe!!.. Fast forward 10 months later, im standing here, ready to enter Sheraton Hotel Subang to attend MUFY Graduation Night..

The MUFY Graduation Night was ok in general.. the food was quite ok i guess for their standard, except their Sze Chuan Soup!!.. it was so terrible man!.. this event was kinda special to me, as this was the first time i wore a coat and a tie to an event!.. uncomfortable it was in the beginning, but i soon got used to it anyway... the performance to me was kinda dull, should have had a band to come and play!! the awards ceremony came in the end.. and we were full of shocks when Alex won the MUFY Achievement Award for Comp Science!! Ji Keon was the expected winner for the International Achievement Awards for highest MUFY scorer in all four MUFY providers.. well, it was kinda expected because he got a score of 402! mind you, the maximum score was only 400!.. he got 402, higher than the maximum score, due to the aid of the 10% from his fifth subject, which undoubtly is a minimum of 95!.. the day ended with photo sessions by lecturers and also individual photo taking by various MUFY graduates.. lots of huges and congratulates are shared.. all in all, a good event!!

i wouldn't say i was entirely happy to end MUFY, it was kind of a mix feelings sort of things.. first of all, i'll miss the times that my friends and i spend together during the entire course.. all my friends in MUFY have been cool, special thanks here to all my MUFY friends that i have been hanging out with this whole year, Bryan, Hwa Jong, G-mun, Quinnie, Jill, Melissa, Laurence, Ken, Jay, Kai Han, Daniel, Jason, Chin Jian, Shi Min, Annabelle, Serena, Big Darren, Small Darren, Yeong Kok, Alwin(if i missed out any i apologize as i have short term memory problem! i also thank u guys!).. u guys have been the coolest gang i ever met and im proud to be part of such a wonderful circle of friends.. i shall specially mention some of my thought about certain people mentioned above :P

Bryan, Hwa Jong, Big Darren, Ken - FOOSBALL all the way man!
these few fellas are my foosball
gang, we play foosball as if our
lives depended on it!!

G-Mun - he is the first and will remain as my best mate in MUFY!
i remember us walking into MUFY knowing nothing, but now we
both came out learning the value of our friendship, FRIENDS

Quinnie - hmm, what shall i comment about this little foster
sis of mine? she is the lucky girlfriend of G-mun! ever
happy and sumtimes a little bit too manly :P!.. i will
remember this special sis that i have for years to come!!

Melissa - the smallest girl in MUFY! :P.. din really know her
until towards the end of MUFY, where we studied for our
finals together in the library the whole week before the
exam!! haha, i have never
studied that hard for any exams!! this girl here, has been
a really great friend, helping me throughout my 'stressed-
up' period.. most importantly, she is the one that showed
me the presence of God, guide me towards his hands, giving me
advices along the way... it muz have been God's plan that
i met you in MUFY!!.. u'll always be the best gal friend
i have ever met!! ;)

Jay - our MUFY tai lou!! haha, i suspect he is probably the
richest student MUFY has! a cool friend who never hesitates
to lend a hand to anyone needing any help.. he also probably
the fastest person to improve in table tennis!! i remember
i use to trash him in table tennis in the first 4 months..
then, all of a sudden, i cant even beat him anymore!!!
Definitely a friend that i will remember for years to

Daniel - Arguably the most mature guy i have ever known! he always
seems to be able to understand how the society works and
give resounding and meaningful views.. definitely a great
friend to talk to, especially bout any problems that u are
facing.. i'll miss talking to you man if i go to aussie!!

Small Darren - man, he is probably the friend
whom i spent most of my time with in MUFY! he is my
comp science guru and table tennis partner! remember
the amount of time and money we spend on table
tennis! crazy man.. he was also the most popular
teasing subject of MUFY.. well, basically its
because he is already 20 with CDL license! enough
with that.. he is a very good friend, heck he even
became my 'alarm clock' for half a year, calling me
up every morning just so i wont be late for class..
which in fact we both often are late for class due to
roti canais in cafetaria!..

These wonderful people above are people that made my MUFY days full of excitement and enjoyment, so i would specially like to salute all these excellent individuals! GANBATE in everything you do next in life, hopefully we will meet again real soon!!

P/s: As I am leaving to China tomorrow, this blog will be closed temporarily till i get back..

~Blogs shall resume on the 28th of December, plz be patient..~

6:58 PM

Monday, December 12, 2005

MUFY results!! haha, sumhow i din face that same scary and nervous feeling as i did when i was about to receive my SPM results.. i wonder why, since MUFY is suppose to be harder.. the night, 8th December.. i was informed that the results has already been posted on the net, and alot of my friends are already busy telling others bout they're scores, and also asking bout friends' scores as well.. there i was, sitting in front of the computer, trying my darnest best to recall my damn password!!!.. sumhow, i forgot my own login passwrod, thus unabling me to view my results.. i ended up havin to explain this tragic incident to those who asked me for mine, and enduring all the HARs and OMGs..

After a night without any sleep(certainly not because of results but of sumthin P&C that im not gonna reveal here!).. i went to college to get my results.. waited for the Director of MUFY for 1 and a half hour with darren!.. she was busy gossiping and all with other lecturers!! there was a line of students waiting to see her, but its like she dun give a damn!!.. after waiting for so long, a lecturer finally ask me what are my intentions to see her.. i told her that i lost my password and i wanted to see my results, then only she told me that i can go and see the admin ppl straight, no need to see Pn Norli at all!!.. i was so damn pissed man that time!.. why din they juz tell me earlier!!... anyway, saw my results.. man, so dissapointed!! English - 81, Comp Science - 73, Accounts - 70, Economics - 58, Maths A - 58.. so dissapointing both Econs and Maths A!!... final total is 288.. lower than my forecast!! all in all, even though dissapointing, but at the very least i did manage to surpass the minimum requirement for the degree course that i want..

fast forward to today(11th December), today din do anything.. but im happy that i finally possess my first suit!! will be wearing that for Graduation Night for sure!! hehe.. i have also discovered today that im actually quite broke!! i have only about 300 bucks left in my account(from my previous balance of 650!) and i have only 10 bucks left in my wallet.. plus i owe my dad 200 bucks and i have not paid for my summones yet!! GOD! how am i gonna manage all this with this tight budget of mine!! kinda regret spending too much this hols, but ah well, what's done is done, nothing much i can do now...

12:50 AM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

ARGHH!! super angry now!! today, i woke up feeling abit funny.. but i thought:"ah well, today playing tennis edi finally, and i had my racquet restringed with Asahway CrossFire 17(which cost a bomb!!)", which prompt me to think that victory is in sight for me! so, downstairs i went, grabbed a piece of biscuit.. for those who din know, my house has no food or snacks!!.. so, after gorging in that piece of biscuit, went downstairs to let ah pok in with confidence sky high..

The racquet felt abit funny i thought, as we started warming up.. i mean, it was good, notably because it was a cross fire string, i din feel any vibration when hitting my shots.. so, after 20 minutes, on starts the game!.. i chose to serve first, and as usual, i will lose the first game if i served first, it has became such a norm i dun feel any dissapointment(kinda expected right?)..

The game went on, and soon I was down 4-1.. i said soon, because i think we only took around 20 minutes to reach to that score(was kinda impossible with our standard!).. that was when i realise, man i gotta buck up, or im gonna lose.. so i really bucked up, making ah pok run as much as possible, forcing him to make errors, and it worked!!..

so, the scores now tied at 7-7, and ah pok juz ran out of water, and he is exhausted, ADVANTAGE TO ME!! i could almost smell victory, and a win in a tie breaker for the first time in my life.. and i mean the FIRST time!.. i think i lost more than 10 matches in tie breakers(no joke!).. haihz.. life has many things installed for us to experience.. so there i was, serving in confidence of winning.. and i choked(means nerve got over me!!).. and, as the history says, i lost in a tie breaker, YET AGAIN!! i feel like killing myself for letting ah pok go so easily!!.. AH POK, U WATCH OUT, I WILL WIN A TIE BREAKER AGAINST U ONE FINE DAY!!

12:08 AM

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Been a long time since i last blogged, 10 days i think?.. well, mostly its becoz of the fact that i don't know what to blog, no inspiration, probably have been going out so often that i hardly have time to sit and think of any topic.. plus today, its been 23 days since my exams ended.. the only things ive done during the hols is hang out with friends, and tennis, and a fair bit of air hockey i suppose :P!.. well, found a job, going to start work soon, getting kinda nervous bout it, since this is my first job.. probably worried of what the boss expects and all.. hope it turns out well!!..

Today went to PC fair!! so happy!!.. finally i get to go there!! the last time i went there was in 2000.. after 5 years, im finally goin to PC fair.. basically i just want to get my computer interest flame burning again!.. loads of ppl were there man.. and the place was like night market, the salespersons were darn scary man!.. passing flyers like their lives depended on it, looking at u in pitiness, hoping that u would buy they're stuff!!.. quite amazed of how big the thing was, the last time i went, it was in PWTC and it wasn't that big.. i also realised how out date i am in computer stuffs.. i din even know that DDR2 RAM is out already!! haihz.. anyway, at least i got sumthin there.. got myself a Logitech wireless mouse, cost me RM80 man!! using it now, at least i feel its worth the money..

Nothing much is on the tennis news now, since the season is over.. the only news are of the Davis Cup, after yesterday's action, Croatia and Slovakia is tied 1-1, Ljubicic of Croatia won Beck of Slovakia, while Ancic of Croatia lost to Hrbaty of Slovakia.. and the other interesting news is of coz, the return of Martina Hingis!! haha, cant wait for that man.. youngest Grand Slam winner at 16, the only player to retire at 23 as far as i know.. if Federer is the King of tennis now, then Hingis was the Queen of tennis then.. she was the invincible lady of tennis.. and of coz, she was pretty too!!..

well, if u ask me 1 month ago, that am i ready to go to Australia to further my studies next year, i would say yes straight away!!.. but now, i have to admit, im not so sure.. results is a small part of my doubts.. i think the main factor is my friends!.. yes, im not lying here k.. im afraid of losing my friends here.. i have to admit, i have never felt that way before, bout losing my friends... im afraid that 4 years down the road, i would see my friend but he/she does not recognise me anymore!.. i know i have blogged about this issue bout twice i think.. but im still gonna blog this now!!.. :'( friends, if i ever go to Australia, i wish all of you the best of luck in everything and in life!!..

11:51 PM